Caring For Wedding Rings

Your wedding ring and band will become two of your most prized possessions after your marriage. The precious bands, metal, and gems will need very specific care in order to keep them in wedding-day shape forever. Follow these do’s and don’ts to keep your rings at peak beauty for years to come.


  • Purchase insurance for your jewelry. You typically have insurance on things that have high monetary value — why wouldn’t you want to do the same with your wedding rings? You can check with your current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance and add on a plan for your wedding rings. Be sure to read over the policies, as some don’t cover accidental disappearance. Sullivan’s S&S Jewelers also recommends Jewelers Mutual for your insurance needs. Once you have the insurance, have your ring appraised every five years or so to keep your policy as updated as possible.
  • Keep your rings clean. We recommend having your ring cleaned at least 4 times a year, or every season, and this can be done with us at Sullivan’s S&S Jewelers. In between ring cleanings, you can do a simple cleaning at home as well. Let your ring soak in some lukewarm water with a few drops of dish soap for a few minutes. Afterwards, scrub with a soft-bristle toothbrush and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Schedule bi-yearly maintenance with your jeweler. Ring maintenance gives your jeweler the opportunity to check on the integrity of your prongs in your setting. You can do cleanings at this time as well. This prevents stones from falling out over time with the loosening of the prongs.
  • Keep ring dishes around the house. Something as simple as dispersing small ring dishes around the house can prevent you from placing your ring in the wrong spot and losing it for good. When you’re doing the dishes or just cleaning around the house, you can safely deposit your ring in a dish and come back to it when you’re done.
  • Store your ring properly. When you take your rings off for long periods of time, make sure to store them in a fabric-lined case of your choosing. Keep one of these on your bedside table or in the bathroom to use when you take it off at night.
  • Choose a ring with a warranty. Many ring warranties will typically offer repairs and replacements for any manufacturer defects.


  • Wear your ring during hands-on activities. Many activities can be a hazard for your ring. Anything that is hard on the hands like lifting heavy furniture, gardening, or exercising can easily get your ring dirty and diminish the shine. Try to leave your ring in a protective box when engaging in these activities.
  • Remove your ring in public. One of the most common cases of losing a ring is washing hands in a public restroom and forgetting to pick your ring back up off the counter when done. To prevent this, just clean your ring on a regular basis to make up for wearing it while in public. Plan in advance for activities where you know you will be getting dirty and will be tempted to take off your ring.
  • Touch the center stone. Diamonds and other stones are materials that pick up dirt and oils very easily. When taking it off, try to grab it by the band, as that is easier to clean.

While it may seem like there are many steps to consider when caring for your ring, don’t get overwhelmed and keep in mind that this is something that you want to keep for a lifetime, so taking some time to care for your wedding rings will make sure they last your lifetime.